Russian Gas Mask Filters: DON'T USE THEM - They are hazardous!

You like gas masks? Then you probably also use filters for them. Often when you buy a mask, one comes with it. But did you know that some of them can ironically be life-threatening?

We all know the Russian gas masks of the GP-5 type. Often old Russian filters are supplied with them. However, for a long time Russia used asbestos in their filters as particle filters. Researchers examined a filter from 1988 and found that asbestos fibres had been processed there.

Although asbestos in its solid form is not dangerous, one never knows how the filters were handled and whether the asbestos has not dissolved.

Why is asbestos so dangerous?

Asbestos fibres are relatively long and thin, so that they can penetrate into the alveoli and cause asbestosis and lung cancer. If you now imagine that you breathe through the asbestos-containing filter without any detours, it is immediately clear that you are exposing yourself to a health hazard that should not be underestimated.

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